Al Jazeera Action News
The Middle East - God's Jock Itch
Sheikh Ahmad Shehab, Memowars' Ambassador of Love, speaks from experience with regard to marital issues.
At Memowars, we cover all kinds of unique sports. From decapitated head soccer, to camel racing...we bring it to you.
Are you seeking martyrdom?
Why is it that when athletes and musicians spiral out of control, the first thing they reach for is Allah? Not the Jewish or Christian God, but Mr. Muslim himself??? At Memowars, we don't have an answer for that, but we do have a great clip of Mike Tyson at the lowest of his lows:
Hello, Memowars readers. It's not often that the editors of this blog write an op-ed piece, but I had a thought I wanted to share with our 2,000+ fan base and could not resist this opportunity.