The Middle East - God's Jock Itch

Friday, April 28, 2006

ITLC - Islamic Tender Love & Care

Sheikh Ahmad Shehab, Memowars' Ambassador of Love, speaks from experience with regard to marital issues.

Highlights include the many ingredients of ITLC:

Shehab - "ITLC, there are so many ingredients like ignoring to be angry, avoid to be angry, how? Keeping voodoo at all times. It will help you to be more balanced and not to get angry. And if you happen to get angry listen to Rasoul Allah, etc. etc., who says if you are angry sit down, and if you are sitting down lie down. Some of us say, 'If I lie down she will kick me in the stomach!' Noo, she will not kick you in the stomach... you will feel good inside."

Please forward comments to:

Ahmad Shehab
9 Charles Street W.
Toronto, ON M4Y 1RA

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