The Middle East - God's Jock Itch

Monday, April 17, 2006

Some thoughts on illegal immigration

Hello, Memowars readers. It's not often that the editors of this blog write an op-ed piece, but I had a thought I wanted to share with our 2,000+ fan base and could not resist this opportunity.

Unless you have been hiding in a hole somewhere, you have almost certainly heard about the illegal immigration issue lately. On the left, many have called for the granting of immigrant rights and even the naturalization of all illegals in the United States. On the right, politicians have pushed for Mexicans and other illegals to be stripped of their rights and even deported. At Memowars, we feel both sides have it wrong.

Illegals are not the real problem in this country: Witches are. Did you know that Witches have been the cause of all major disease, economic downturns, natural disasters, pyramid schemes, and car accidents since 1504, when they first landed on our shores? They have defiled our flag with their green faces and broomsticks, and yet we allow them to stay here, casting spells and spreading their dermatological problems everywhere. There has never existed in this country a time where we persecute Witches for being different.

With your support, we would like to free America. Leave a comment and let us know what you think!


Blogger samrocha said...

Hi! I found your Blog and BlogSearch, I think the dialogue on immigration is very important and must be discussed from all perspectives.

With your insights I would love to have you take a look at a mini-series I wrote on the subject and, if you want to, join in the dialogue…

My url is:

5:11 PM

Blogger ronsta said...

it's called a 'joke,' you Witch! BURN HIM!!! WITCH!!!

5:13 PM

Blogger samrocha said...

I find that some of the most humorous and light takes one politics to have many of the more reasonable and honest dialogue, e.g. The Onion, I didn't mean to insult you, just to ask for input...

5:30 PM

Blogger ronsta said...

obviously this guy is a witch!

7:04 PM

Blogger witnee said...

-What makes you think she's a witch?

-Well she turned me into a newt.

-A newt?

-I got better.

12:05 AM


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