A call for martyrdom-seeking individuals...

“We know all of the enemies’ weak points and what to do against them. Today, we have ready martyrdom-seeking individuals who are ready to strike at these sensitive points”, Brigadier General Mohammad Kossari, who heads the Security Bureau of Iran’s Armed Forces, told the state-owned news agency ILNA.
Are you seeking martyrdom?
Mail applications to:
For Allah - Blessed be he
P.O. Box 1234
Tehran, Iran 01526

In the Name of God
Preliminary Registration for Martyrdom Operations
I ----------------, child of ----------------, born 13----- (Islamic calendar), the City of: ---------------- proclaim my preparedness for carrying out martyrdom operations:
---- against the occupiers of the holy sites (referring to Najaf, Karbala, and other places in Iraq.)
---- against the occupiers of (Jerusalem)
---- for carrying out the death sentence of the infidel Salman Rushdie
Also, I would like to become an active member of the Army of Martyrs of the International Islamic Movement. Yes ---- No ----
Contact telephone:
Applicant's address:
Applicant's signature:
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