The Middle East - God's Jock Itch

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hannukah 2007: Iran Promises Israel 'Festival of Lights.'

Monday, February 20, 2006

CIA Avian Flu Assasination of Bin Laden Fails; Creates Bin Chick'n

Friday, February 17, 2006

Superbowl half-time show reaches Pakistan

Thursday, February 16, 2006

KFC Capitalizes on Pakistani Protests…

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Delta Force to deal with new Pak-protests

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

FREE American Flag Print n' Burn Cutout!

Memowars: Making it easier to hate... Every day.

Protesters vandalize Western businesses including a KFC in Lahore...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

New al Jazeera Kids Programming Proves more Popular than Mohammed

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Because Jesus Would Wear it

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Prepare to be blown out of your hummus....

Martyrs of the Caribbean

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Buy Our Shit at the MemoStore

evite from Fidel... (click to view)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Our submission to the Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Contest... REJECTED!

Memowars' Holocaust Cartoon submission was unanimously rejected by judges in the Iranian Holocaust Cartoon contest. Unfortunately, our cartoon implied that at least one or two jews died at the hands of Germans between the years 1941 and 1945, thereby breaking contest rules and disqualifying us from this and future Iranian-sponsored cartoon competitions (ie: Khomeini or Khamanei Cartoon Extravaganza, and Living in a Nuclear Winter Wonderland). When asked to comment, Iranian authorities answered only through a Teddy Ruxbin doll.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Can YOU find al-Waldo?

Give up?

Here is al-Waldo, toying with the uranium tubes originally installed by the IAEA. Oh, al-Waldo, when will you learn? hehe!

Can YOU find al-Waldo?

Master Chef Ahmadinejad's Classic Recipe for Danish (Consulate)

Memowars: "Today we are pleased to have with us, Master Chef, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad... Chef?"
Ahmadinejad: "Great to be here... heard a lot about your site... Truly an honor."
Memowars: "Chef, we were told you would be willing to share with us your classic recipe for Danish (consulate)?"
Ahmadinejad: "Ah yes... Really a family secret, passed down generations. First off, you want to make sure your Danish embassy is ignitable. Oftentimes, I see many a martyr trying to light afire a concrete embassy. If you are choosing this method of religious hatred, make sure to first baste your Danish consulate or embassy with a nice cinnamon and lamb oil blend, to aide combustion and general hatred for the West.

Now, I have seen people trying to employ the 1972 Beirut... sorry that's the 1983 method -- you know, the classic driving your truck into a foreign building. Personally, I would not recommend this. This is the quick and dirty of embassy baking, but if you really want to get a thorough simmering, you ought to make certain to have thirty or forty Islamists at your disposal who are willing to die for Allah, blessed be He."

Memowars: "Chef, what is your opinion of what occurred earlier this week in Lebanon?"

Ahmadinejad: "Well, these days we have many people who call themselves Islamists, but in reality... these individuals are just amateurs looking to learn the art of consulate cooking. Still, you can always tell the professionals from the amateurs; usually through their willingness to wear bigger bandana wrappings around their faces, sport furrier mustaches, and curse infidels with a greater voracity."

Memowars: "Well Chef, we'd like to thank you for joining us today. We know you have a lot on your plate these days... hehehe"

Ahmadinejad: "Hehehehe..."

Memowars: "Thank you for tuning in... Join us next week when we learn the art of basting your flag with special guest Chef Abu-Ali Mustafa."

Cartoon Protests Turn Deadly...

To the victor go the virgins and tasty Jesus wafers!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Make 7-UP Yours...

Bring it...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

That's not a PEACE sign folks...

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Memowars) -- The future of the Middle East entered a new era of uncertainty last Thursday, as the militant Palestinian opposition group Hamas snatched power from the ruling old guard. On the left, Abdul Mohammad Abdullah flashes what looks like a peace sign. But don't be alarmed folks... Abdul really means victory. In an open letter to, Abdul writes:

"Dear Memowars,
My name is Abdul and I am a 17 year old martyr-in- training. Last week, our group Hamas won the Palestinian elections. Can you put this picture of me and my sister Khadeeja on your funny website. She is a big fan of your work! She is the one standing under my armpit wearing the Von Dutch hat!

Keep up the Great work!