Our submission to the Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Contest... REJECTED!

Memowars' Holocaust Cartoon submission was unanimously rejected by judges in the Iranian Holocaust Cartoon contest. Unfortunately, our cartoon implied that at least one or two jews died at the hands of Germans between the years 1941 and 1945, thereby breaking contest rules and disqualifying us from this and future Iranian-sponsored cartoon competitions (ie: Khomeini or Khamanei Cartoon Extravaganza, and Living in a Nuclear Winter Wonderland). When asked to comment, Iranian authorities answered only through a Teddy Ruxbin doll.
I am amused that you linked to a site and still managed to spell "Ruxpin" wrong.
1:45 PM
i am amused that you took the effort to be a mother***...i mean pleasant reader. thank you for your input!
1:48 PM
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