Memowars 100th Post Party

here we are enjoying some muslim-approved halal cake

"the gang" from left Ali-Akbar "the looker" Khaled, Massoud "shorty" Jalali, Khosro "pretty boy" Naderpour, Ahemt "the camel-toe" karimi, mohammed "the one-nut wonder" Al Zartoshti

here we are with the computer that started it all... making this post

100 posts and still alive! (except for one nut)
Congrats on your 100th post!
BTW Your phrase book for traveling in the middle east could be handy in the bedroom as well (depending on what you like that is)
FEKR GABUL CARDAN DAVAT RAEH GUSH DIVAR:I am delighted to accept your kind invitation to lie down on the floor with my arms above my head and my legs apart.
11:37 PM
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